This Is Your Only Life So Why Not Give It Your Best Shot

What it all comes down to, is taking everything you’ve ever learned in your life, and then applying it to every moment moving forward. All of the hits and the misses, the wins and losses. Most however, will learn a lot but will fail to define it, or apply it. So practical execution is necessary.

We live for a limited length of time on this earth, on a continuous journey we direct. It’s our life, our destiny, our rules.

This is how we should be defining our existence. The thought at the end of the day being what is our legacy, the memory you’ll leave behind forever.

This legacy speech is not new but it carries weight, it never gets old.

The majority of people learn leadership is about having a vision and then forging a path.

We’re all born to this earth to burn back into dust again, creation and demise is that fragile.

Live Life To Its Fullest

The purpose for anyone, the human condition should and goes far beyond our immediate vision of life.

The vision we have while defining its process, the road we create to achieve it, and to have lived it.

Our ultimate legacy needs to be on a higher standard, since it shows we’ve actually accomplished something with our lives.

Our careers, our weekly pay, we as individuals who work in organizations, gives us a defined job description.

Consider yourself as your own organization. There’s also a lot of people who are involved in this organization, and you are the director, the CEO of your life.

Always Be Learning

Life is all about learning specifically what you need to personally, so be selfish about it.

It’s not about learning new technical skills based on your aptitude, or the soft skills such as effective communication, team work, or better negotiation.

What one needs for a successful life, is to learn of oneself, to look inward.

Finding out “Who the heck am I” should be the most pointed question in your quest, and that’s where you should begin daily.

Most people become disconnected or uncomfortable in this area of self awareness.


Learning From Experience

Learn about your strengths and weaknesses, which is similar to doing an assessment of your own behaviour, values, principles and mindset.

The majority of people will also just go through the learning process once, and then quit.

They’ll then fail because they refuse to take it any further. These are also brilliant minds who we’re dealing with, with rigid mindsets.

They’ll learn something new but will refuse to absorb it. Or conveniently forget it when it comes to anything more than what they’ve already known.

The greatest learning periods, comes from observing our unique behaviours in different situations.

This is when it’s said people will learn from experience.

But if this “experience” isn’t repeated often enough, it becomes pointless as it handicaps our growth and development.

Learning To Develop Ourselves Better

We never know what’s good or bad until we compare ourselves. So comparison but not competing with others, is a good starting point.

When realizing how far we’ve come, we base it on how others in our immediate surroundings are doing.

Most will learn and understand this, but there are a select few who’ll attempt to develop, to excel, to set the standard.

So the question remains, what actions are you taking to better the poor qualities of your life.

Are you making a constant and conscious effort, so you’re developing for the better, to get stronger, to become waterproof.

Development is the opposite of ignoring, until you do something that will improve it.

Never Stop Growing Or Learning

Make it a point to do at least one thing daily, which makes you feel uncomfortable, then overcome it.

Always be pushing yourself, then you’ll be amazed how far you’ve come and are able to go.

Know the other side of fear and worry is a place called freedom, your freedom. Remaining neutral isn’t growing.

So to reach your full potential, what you need is to rise above the fear and begin to soar.

Reaching Your Full Maturity

You need to tie all this together, apply everything you’ve ever learned, and do so once you think all the pieces are there.

What life teaches you, is there are no rights or wrongs or second chances, so just take action.

There’s heavy dependence placed on circumstances and situations, ulterior motives and other dynamics.

If you feel you’ve learned everything you need to about yourself, developed all of your strengths, grown to your full potential, then it’s time to apply it.

Once you tie it all together and apply it, it’s called maturity.

You realize what you’re capable of, while realizing everything you’ve learned can’t be used in all situations.

You discover anger, for instance, can be just as critical as patience under certain circumstances.

The Investment That Is Your Life

To condense everything that is your life, you must be willing to learn, compress all this development together, and then the life exercise which is maturity occurs.

These are the indicators, the trademarks of performance.

If you follow this protocol, what you’ll be leaving is a legacy of your life which becomes undeniable.

People will remember you. Your good work and your good will as well as intent will spread, respectively.

The purpose of anyone’s life is to be useful somewhere or to someone.

To be responsible, to be accountable, to be compassionate while showing empathy towards everyone.

All that matters is to matter somehow to someone, to make a difference, to be the difference, to be counted, to stand up for something.

That you’ve lived a full life of integrity, one to full maturity as an adult.